
Reshaping Industries with Advanced AI Solutions

Plastic Injection Molding

Assembly Verification
Enable your operators with actionable insights, and reduce assembly errors.
Defect Management
Gain real-time insights into production defects and adjust parameters to mitigate common issues such as shorts and flash.

Reshaping Industries with Advanced AI Solutions

Plastic Films

True Six Sigma Quality
Our AI-driven cameras are always on duty, scanning for gels, pit marks, and surface anomalies with precision, guiding product quality towards the esteemed 6σ standard.

Reshaping Industries with Advanced AI Solutions

Automotive Parts

Human-action Recognition
Our system tracks human actions, achieving machine-like precision in assembly tasks.
 200% Inspection Automation
Our advanced, and scalable technology enable thorough inspection of materials, parts, and assemblies at every stage of production.
Interested in exploring Tristar AI’s manufacturing solutions through a virtual live demo? Contact us to enhance your production processes.

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+1 (832) 714-0243
[email protected]
Boston, MA, USA
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+1 (832) 714-0243

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